I can't help it. I think I'm hooked. Instead of using my stolen moments to write instalments of decent blog entries (and I have stuff that I really want to write about as well. Some it light and fluffy, some deep and meaningful.) I find myself opening a new tab in Firefox and clicking 'stumble!'. Today I have been selectively stumbling through animation and drawing sites. It seems like every time I find a good one I want to blog about it saying, "This is the coolest website ever!" And then the next one comes along. Hit pick of the day though, (at least until I next stumble) has to go to

Basically you use your mouse to scribble a picture, then click on 'done drawing' and this will bring you to your scribble window. If you click on 'scribbler settings' you can choose colour, and line weight which this funky will programme will proceed to redraw your scribble with. It's just waaaaaaaay cool. The red drawing is my initial scribble and the montage below is a timeline thing of what it looked like as it redrew my scribble. Is good ja?

And for the animation of the day, check out
http://seneca.rsad.edu/animations/AfterYou.html. It took a wee while to load and I wasn't that sure about it for a while but it salvaged itself beautifully at the end. It's all in the twist folks.
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