I haven't shared my stumbling gems in a while- probably because I haven't been stumbling. *gasp* shock horror disbelief I know. I've been too busy to stumble? Dude!
Probably because instead of stumbling I've been making snowflakes. (And I've been ultra-busy with print deadline looming.) I'm totally addicted. I love it. It's weird how there are few things as nice as getting someone replying to your 'flake and saying that it's pretty- it's so warm-fuzzy. So go draw a flake and tell someone you like theirs. Or email someone a flake- thanks Jo! xox
But I'm guessing you guys are still wondering what the kitty pic is for huh? Well it's not a return of the übercutie- this is from www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com. Yup. Cats that look like Hitler. Who'd've thought...
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