Wednesday, March 05, 2008

no imagination*

My flatmate was very excited the other day because he got Vista for his computer. When I asked him, not very delicately, why the f*ck he had gone and done a thing like that, he said because it was better than XP. I said, "Really?" We all agree his computer is shit. It's slow, it's temperamental, it's a PC. But I am the first person to point out that it's probably not the poor little computer's fault but rather the stupid operating system it has to run. What computer stands a chance?

So Sean had disappeared off to his room to geek it up with his new satanic operating system and I was telling Sarah that it was meant to be 4˚C the next day so we'd need to bundle up and she said, "Oh we know already. Sean has a new toy on his computer which tells him the weather." At this point I lost it, "It's called a widget and they nicked it from Apple because they have no f*cking original ideas of their own!" That sentence reads fairly calmly** but my voice was raised and my arms were waving in the air. One might almost have described me as irate...

*this should be making people think of The Italian Job, the American remake.
**and may in fact have contained quite a few more liberal smatterings of the 'f' word, I get a bit worked up when it comes to the lack of imagination of the staff of Microsoft


pschlup said...

Whoa there, sweetie. Easy now: Apple didn't invent widgets either. Although Apple are leaders at making compu-gadgets hip, let's at least credit Microsoft with making computers pervasive. (Office for the Mac, anyone?)

At least by installing Vista on an old computer you can all huddle around the fan as it churns through the extra CPU cycles required to get the smooth, Mac-like window transitions. My advice? Bring hot choccie.

aynz said...

okokok, so I may be slightly guilty of jumping on the ol' hobby horse but yes, I'll be taking a hot choccie with me next time I need to check my email.

Anonymous said...

Till: (Philip,) Are you completely corrupt?

Philip: No. Not completely. ...

What movie and who said it?

Let's all say it in chorus:


Actually, reminds me of that crap I found in my new kitchen and photos of which were recently published on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Comic sans email from a graphic designer. Hilarious.

Microsoft and PCs may be crap in the HO of many a Mac groupie, but if I went to a certified Mac reseller with AUD800 I could possibly get a bag and some speakers or something.
Fairly different story at a PC shop. I could get something roughly similar if not slightly better than the entry level iMac.