Tuesday, November 20, 2007

are we there yet?

Ok so I know I really need to blog before I go but suddenly there are so many things to tell or at least cool links to share, that the task gets increasingly daunting as the days go by and the easiest way to procrastinate is to, well, simply not do it at all.

But there are some big goings-on in the life of A:

1 My parents are moving to Australia

2 I'm going to Egypt for a week on Saturday to do some diving. WHOOPEE!!!!

I've also got tendinitis where my biceps tendon attaches to my shoulder but that's not so much big news as my being a cripple. I haven't climbed in a week and with another week off for diving it should come right.

Ooh and also- my sister met Giovanni Ribisi. I got a text from her saying that she was talking to him in a bar in Wellington and that's all I know. I'm SO jealous. I hope he was interesting to talk to.

Fluffy Stuff
This is a link to a crazy animated gif.

I came across some paintings which I really like. And I mean really REALLY like. I think they look awesome and I might almost be tempted to get one but 1-cost 2-it'd have to be shipped from the states 3-I think I'd like to see my art in person before buying it. Still, I think they're amazing. I think finding one to fit a room might be a bit of a mission because they're quite intense but I am totally and utterly in love with the style at the very least. I love the bold shapes of the strokes, the ways the colours mix and yet sit as blocks and the way it all feels so chunky and textured and alive.
Read more about how the artist does them here.

This little guy is so cute!

disturbing meat art
And yet somehow cool.

I've found a new cooking blog
And how could I not love it, given that it's called Yumsugar.

It even had a sister site called Geeksugar. That is like so totally me.

And this is another cool cooking blog I found. Lovely pictures. Although this recipe on Baking for Britain is on my hitlist. It looks AMAZING. All that fruit, yumyumyummy.

Right- for now I think that's gonna have to be it. I'll try to post as soon as I'm back from Egypt.

1 comment:

standgale said...

Its crazy how your parents have suddenly (from my perspective at least) decided to move to Australia.

Why so many cooking blogs at once! How can I keep up? Too much to look at!

Those pictures are totally awesome. Really really awesome.

There was something else I was going to say but I forget.

ps. sorry about the lack of apostrophe in the first word of this comment, but for some reason the keyboard seldom works properly at blogger and when I try and type one it does weird things.