I came across this guy's site and his illustrations just blow me away. I'm a sucker for a good sketch at the best of times and will usually choose them over a painting and of course I have a weakness for fantasy subject matter. I'm just amazed that someone has such an awesome imagination that they can think this kind of thing up and 'noodle it out' while in a book store. And jealous. Very jealous.
Well, your ever-nagging dad says to this, as you might have been able to predict that he would, that you actually could draw like this, but that it is a matter of practice and making the time to learn it. As it is with so many other things.
Of, course, for some folks this statement would not be true, but in this instance it is.
So say I.
Now you see I had thought about writing something to that effect on my post and I really don't think I'm selling myself short here but in all realism (a) with practice, yes, I probably could draw with that level of skill but (b) my imagination, although vast, seems to fall short when it comes to seeing things like this in all their finer detail. But then maybe with practice my imagination could learn to refine itself. Who knows...
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