This weekend I went go-karting for the first time ever (witness me all homie-g-cool in my fire-retardant overalls). Sexy. It was such awesome fun although I turned out to be quite shit. That or my friends are all speed demon drivers because I was second last going in to the final. I managed to overtake Rosie, thereby bumping me up a placing and I've never been so proud of myself as when I managed to sneak up behind her and swing past inside a hairpin turn. Not that we're a competitive bunch, oh no, not at all...

Sue is back from training around the Asian continent for 3 and a bit months and you can tell because suddenly everything is caught on camera. In this photos I'm delving into Rose's overalls because her top had ridden up so I was pulling it down. But of course it looks snoop-dodgey-dodge. Focus instead on my new haircut. It's short again and I'm loving it, it is just what I asked for. (As it should be really, I took in photos of when I'd last had it looking like that...) I also have another hole in each ear, after thinking about it for a couple of weeks, I decided that I really wanted some more bling in there so now I'm patiently waiting out my 6 weeks so I can put in the teeny weeny studs I have in mind.

I had to put this one up because it cracks me up. The lady shaking her booty with me is Brenda. That girl has more spontaneous dancing energy than me- probably even more than my sister, and together we are a fearsome sight. Needless to say, Sue sees us starting up and hardly knows where to point her camera...

For those who have known me for a while, this should be a familiar sight- Aynia tending to the birthday cake (made by moi, of course). I am also familiarly resplendent in stripy polyprop and this is one of my less eye-assaulting numbers...
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