Last night Kitty and I went out for dinner for my friend Lauren's 30th. When we got back we ended up pulling an all-nighter because she was due to fly out at 6.50am which meant leaving here at 3.30am. Hence no point in sleeping. I even took the bus with her to Clapham because she hadn't done it before and it was 3.30 on a Sunday morning and when we got on the bus oh boy was I glad that I'd decided to accompany her. There were drunk people on that bus, loud drunk people which, when you think about it, makes sense because 3.30 on a Sun morn is also the end of a Sat night. And the last thing a girl needs when catching a bus to a destination you've never been at 3.30am is the added worry and distraction of obnoxious drunk men when you're all on your lonesome. And then we get to Clapham and the train's been canceled but justice triumphed and we got it sorted and Kitty got off just fine and I got to head home and sleep.

But no sleeping in for me, today was museum with Lotte day who is heading back to NZ at the end of June so is starting to try to tick things off her list of places=to=see that you never seem to get around to when you actually live here. So today was the Childhood Museum and the Museum of London. The MoL was pretty standard stuff but I really liked the Childhood Museum (oh shit, seems that Romeo Must Die is on after Grey's and you should all know by now what a martial arts/action movie whore I am. How can I go to bed when there's cheese like that to watch? Now I'm never going to catch up on my sleep.) which is full of toys and boardgames and everything from your childhood, in fact everything from everyone's childhood since, like, forever. Some things totally cracked me up like examples of early typographers and some seriously freaky-assed dolls.

These are two examples of early typographers learning the hard way. Come on, don't laugh too hard, we've all done it before. Maybe I really am a typography geek but I just found these two pics waaaaaay cute.

From the plaque:Pregnant Doll, 1992Here is a pregnant doll with a baby you can deliver- but it's not much like real life! When the baby is removed you can put a flat stomach back on the doll. Made in China. WTF?! "Put on a flat stomach." We wish. As if it's that easy.

From the plaque:Blythe, 1972 Blythe was only made for one year. If you pull the cord on her back her eyes change colour five times. She was designed by Marvin Glass & Associates for Kenner. Now maybe it's just me but I find Bythe just a bit scary. And imagine if those eyes changed colour five times... FREAK OUT!

A doll house for boys- a butcher shop. The vege in me was a smidge revolted.

And this one chuffed Lotte. Bricks named after her!
And finally, some interesting info about Barbie: Did you know? Barbie was closely modelled on Lilli, an earlier German fashion doll. As a model, she wore a risqué striped swimsuit, a pair of while high heels, and sunglasses. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. She has had 5 sisters, 43 pets and over 80 careers. She has been produced in more than 45 nationalities and is sold in 150 countries. Go Barbie!
That butchers shop toy looks a tad excessive to me. That's creepy to anyone.
Thanks for the pics!
yeah sorry (?) I have to say to Marie or anyone in her position that before even reading the undernote I loved the picture of the butcher shop (without clearly recognising blood and legs). It felt right and definetely "peaceful". Conscienlising the whole meaning,..., well, as I have known for years, I am a boy. ps. I can just put my self and millions of boys playing with the stuff and I assure vege women that it doesn't feel like enjoying torture at all. Now for a bit of relativity please...
the second viewing has it done. Bummer now I have to go on vegan for a new mayan calendar!!! ps2. relativity is on its way I m sure but I still think it's all a question on where life takes you to look at first. Now i have looked for the cow's bodies and panties, but the first time was just men enjoying a celebration!!! so bad...
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