Yeah...I dunno aye. You can see more of these creations and similar things on superdeux.com. [FYI: I think this is a cool site just in general. Funky little intro animation, nice layout, good material, yada yada yada.] There are quite a lot of these 'toy' things out at the moment, I'm just not sure how well the term 'toy' is sitting with me. To me a toy is something you play with and the thought of kids sitting down and playing house with these things disturbs me a bit. Yeah, yeah, I know, they're toys for adults but they're not getting played with then, are they? I mean I do think they're cool and fun and funky and some are cute and not scary but to me they're design objects, not toys. But where's the line?
learning the hard way
I'm looking after the horse-sized "kitten" again before I go to Portugal for the weekend (bad weather forecast, don't want to talk about it, why does it always rain when I go to Portugal and why do I not get the hint?!) and there is a park nearby so last night I decided to go for a wonder. I decided at the last minute not to bring my camera because it's just a park right? What's to see. Oh boy was I wrong. This 'park' is AMAZING. I saw deer (yup, you'd best believe) and lots of birds- with babies, and rabbits and squirrels. Now I know an instinctive Kiwi reaction when hearing rabbit is to spit to the side and reach for a gun or a club but these guys were CUTE (plus they're not a pest here) and I had great fun trying to find all their little homes. It was just incredible, this place was like some Eden with all these animals roaming around not really too scared of the people. So today after work I'm geeking it up, hopping on Jane's bike (yep, this park is huge and I'm going exploring), taking my camera and the bread that's going mouldy and will venture forth in search of photo opportunities of supercute baby birdies (the only ones I'm likely to get close enough to because I can bribe them with food) and miscellaneous wildlife. I'm hoping for deer. I'm also quite, quite geekily excited about the whole thing. Hopefully I'll have glorious nature pics tomorrow.
lest we forget
This blog is about me. Well it is now that Kitty's gone solo and right now I'm doing my darndest to wallow in oh-woe-is-me-ness (which is hard when it's gloriously sunny and I'm going on a nature safari after work) because I have a horrible cold- that is unless it's actually even more horrible hayfever. I currently feel like someone has chiseled in the my brain via my sinuses and then stuffed with with cotton wool except they missed a bit because some of my brain fluid is leaking down the back of my throat. Yummy. That said though, I was in a pretty foul mood when I woke up this morning and my eyes were so puffy I could hardly see out (this indicates hayfever) this morning but now I'm finding that the sunshine and the thought of seeing baby animals tonight plus a bike ride is making me way to Suzy Sunshine to be grumpy.