She had me worried for a second thereComing back from a week away, there are a lot of blog entries to catch up on and so far I've only managed to skim about half of my regulars. I nearly had a heart attack though when I skimmed Autumn Zebra and came across an entry entitled
why I heart Vista. My immediate reaction:
WTF?!!!!?!!???? My slightly more delayed reactions: 1- let this be irony 2- if its not, remember you love her anyway and she's a PC user so really, maybe she just doesn't know any better 3- noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 4- maybe I should actually
read what it says... which I only finally got around to doing this morning and thank God, all is well in the world, I will not have to disown a friend, it was irony. Vista is shit. Surprise surprise- and at this point I will totally freely admit that I'm a Mac user and one that has a knee-jerk muderdeathkill* response to all things PC. Have I used Vista? Nope. (Do I want to? Over my dead body.) Have I researched it at all and read extensive customer reviews? Nope. So am I pretty much dissing it from a point of ignorance? You betcha. But do I care? Not so much. So what's the point in what I've just written? Well mainly it's to say, "Marie, don't ever do that to me again, no ironical pro-microsoft titles in your blogs, I'm not made of strong enough stuff." ;-)
snip snap
All my hair is gone. Well for me it's all gone- this is definitely the shortest I've ever had it. It's above my shoulders and I can hardly tie it back. The weird thing is, I'm really happy with it and it isn't quite what I was expecting. It would seem that I caught myself in one of my oh-what-the-heck moods. I knew I wanted a change- well I
thought I wanted a change but was totally prepared to hear myself asking the hairdresser to just tidy it up a bit. Instead, I heard myself telling him to have at it and I wanted a change. Hmmm.... Usually I've never totally happy with my haircuts but ignoring that, I love going to the hairdresser.

I love watching hair getting cut- the shaping it out of nothing kind of thing but nobody has ever been as fun to watch as the guy who cut my hair yesterday. He is without a doubt the most energetic hairdresser I've ever seen. He stood behind me and kind of bobbed and danced around and his enthusiastically hacked off my hair, I felt like I'd had a workout just watching him. Eventually I had to ask if he stabbed himself a lot with the scissors when he was learning and he said that he still does from time to time

and I find that very easy to believe. He said that to get proper texture in to hair, the movement of the scissors is the most important thing in which case I must have some of the most energetic and lively texture out there. I made Sarah take some photos of it last night and although they don't really it justice (please ignore Sean in the background), I thought some photos were better than none. Also I didn't fluff it properly at the back so it looks uneven but it isn't really. Obviously. So yesterday I was trendily salon-styled Aynia but this morning I got to wake up to just-slept-on-it, low maintenance Aynia and now I remember what my hair does when it's short. In true Gemini fashion, it can't make up its mind so the left side likes to be all funky and flick out and the right side likes to be all conformist and curl in. I spent about 5 minutes running a wet hairbrush through it and trying to coax both sides to do the same thing, no matter what that might be and then gave up because it doesn't really bother me that much. So I have insane hair- so what?
*and if you don't know what movie that's from, shame on you
Ahh, now I could give the movie away. Would serve you right. So let me give it away half-way for those who haven't got a clue: Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock. 8)
There, Aynia, wasn't I good?
very good xox
Like the hair!
hee hee, funny, I didn't mean to send anyone into cardiac arrest. Actually, it is even more ironic, because you know what else I don't like and that annoys me almost as much as Vista? People using (heart) to mean a little picture of a heart in text. Please, say love, instead of this (heart) thing. It confuses me, because heart is not a verb, you cannot heart something. I can't remember where I saw it, but somewhere a few days before my first (heart) vista entry. with some bad luck it will end up having been on your blog, ha ha, that would be funny. ;)
(actually, I don't like it when people use PICTURES of a heart to mean the word love, in text, either. Because I read it as heart, and we have the same grammatical and semantic problem)
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