This weekend I went to the Outdoors Show in Birmingham with work as we had a stand there and the people on the stand beside us were willing to give us free bungy jumps so before my sanity could stop me, I signed up (and then got to wait a good half hour), got taken up 60m and got pushed out of a cage to hurtle down 45m and bounce around a few times.

I'm not scared of heights but I do have a healthy respect for my personal safety and all the way up in the cage I was looking around and going, "Wow, you can see everything from here, this view is amazing." but when it got to the point where I was standing on the edge of the cage I looked down and thought, "Oh my God, this is The Most Stupid Idea I've Had EVER". The guy said to me, "Don't worry, I'll count you down from three and I looked at him and said, "Like bollocks you will" and he got as far as two then pushed me. I KNEW IT.
It was incredible, I'll give it that. But I was also quite quite happy to have it over and done with. I definitely had an ohmyGodIalmostdied high at the end but that bottomless feeling as you plummet earthwards, it's quite bloody scary. Like fucking scary. And in fact, as I got pushed off, the first word to come tearing out of my mouth was 'fuck'. Luckily, it got as far as 'fu...' because Mum, you will be glad to know that even as I was hurtling towards certain death, the thought crossing my mind was, "Oh no Aynia, think of your mother, you can't swear all the way down, how uncouth." So I swallowed it. I could quite happily have heartily yelled fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all the way though. Instead I had to settle for a mangled 'argh'.
Wow, that's crazy, you're a crazy person!
How come you look like you're wearing a straightjacket? oh, no, cos you are crazy! How awesome. Gosh.
they were doing full body harnesses for these jumps (thank Christ- I don't think I could have done it tied by my feet) and when you jump out they tell you to hold on to your harness so you don't grab the cage. I was told that once you jump you can fling out your arms but I couldn't let go of my harness, they were clamped in fear.
Just as well we only found out about this AFTER the fact. Your long-suffering parents would have had a fit!
Now that it is done, please remember now the old Japanese proverb: The wise man climbs Mount Fuji once; only a fool does it again.
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