Today was the final straw that broke this proverbial camel's back. I had to withdraw money this morning to take cash to the estate agents for our initial deposit and it was more than the ATMs will let to withdraw so at 9am I was infront of my bank to withdaw it in person and, while I was at it, apply for an overdraft. Well I waited outside with some other people and one person got let in for an appointment and then I was informed that the bank only opened at 9:30am today. Eh? It says 9am on the door... So I cleared out all the cash I can possibly withdraw from my two different cards and paid the agent. When I got to Richmond (where I work) I went to the bank to sort out the overdraft. I just KNEW it couldn't be that easy. No overdraft for Aynia because although I have a good salary going into one of my accounts, it's my savings and they won't/can't give me an overdraft on that (which I can understand) and they wouldn't give me an overdraft on my chequeing account because my salary isn't being paid in to it. Dude! It's all money at the same bank! It really felt like some sketch from Little Britain where the guy sat there at his computer and scrolled through stuff only to say, "Computer says no." AND- he asked me how much overdraft I would like- I said I didn't know what I was entitled to and he said they could maybe do £50.
£50?!! I was thinking more like £500 buddy. What kind of safety net is £50?! It would apparently be easier to get an overdraft if I upgraded to an Advantage Gold account but I didn't want that as it's £10 bank fees per month and that's the account I was initially set up with but downgraded because I didn't use any of their silly services.
So I walked out extremely pissed off and decided that enough was enough with this bank and it was time to change. (There have been other minor incidents prior this and I'd put off changing banks because I'm lazy.) First Direct has been recommended to me by people at work and I checked it out online and they will give me £50 to swap to them, give me a £500 overdraft, let me withdraw £500 from an ATM
and handle swapping over all my payments etc. It sounds like Heaven! And so I stick the finger to NatWest and move on to more customer friendly pastures.

You can get
Trogdor baby clothes!!! Dude! If this isn't the übercutiest thing ever I don't know what is. Kitty- I thought of you immediately. ;-)
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