As for the move itself? I am shattered. There are a tonne of stairs going up to our new place and my body is physically drained plus I've had late nights and early mornings and all I want to do is sleep. The whole moving in process was not helped by the fact that the flat had not been cleaned properly (which it should have been and we were under the impression it was going to be) so we had to clean as we moved in which makes things take even longer. It's also a bit weird- I mean I'm living with Sarah, who I've lived with for 1 1/2 years now and Sean, her boyf, who I get along with really well so I'm with friends and I like the vibe of the place but with boxes still stacked up in my room (as I wait for a desk to arrive- and maybe a bookshelf) and the newness of it all, it doesn't feel like 'home' yet. I'm gonna spend the rest of the afternoon convincing myself that going to climbing is the best thing for me as opposed to going home and collapsing on my bed. (Which is now a double and my old one was a single and I can starfish once again and it's comfy and in general I am rediscovering my love of The Bed.) Cable gets installed on Thurs so I will once again have a phoneline and more TV channels and broadband. Oooh the luxury. We had to buy phones for the flat and as Sean and I procrastinated, we set them up and you can even program the phones with names. For boring people this is probably meant to be according to someone's name, if it lives in their room, or by the name of the room it lives in but such humdrum naming systems are not for me and Sean. Oh no. Our phones are Bruce and Duncan (with one withering look Sean dismissed such classy combos as 'rattle and hum','bump and grind') and they have a different dial tone for internal calls (oh yes, we can call inside the house and use them like walkie-talkies) and external ones. This gonna be one supermegaübergeek household. Sweet. Although maybe I can talk Sean around to 'Ike and Tina' or 'Sonny and Cher'.... Hmmm...... But no. I like Bruce (he's my phone). Or more to the point, I like saying his name. It has to be said with an Aussie accent, there is no choice- so when I'm looking for the phone I can say, "Gidday. Have you seen Bruce?" Oh the simple pleasures in life. You wouldn't think I'm 27, would you?
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