No explanation needed really. I do have one objection though, the link to this mug is on the website boystomengifts.com. I BEG YOUR PARDON?!!!! Do only men want cool and quirky office-esque gifts? I know many women who would find this a cool gift. Hmpf.

Oh the number of times this could have saved my bacon! Although I got very proud at being able to hold 4 mugs in one go and not spill a drop or burn my knuckles.

The only problem I can see with this mug is that it will only hold 2 biscuits. Maybe three at a squeeze but they'd have to be thin. Otherwise I think it's simply ingenious. I'd want one, that's for sure.

This isn't really a mug that will make drinking easier in any way but I worked with photographers for a while and as a themed mug, I reckon this is one of the better ones I've seen.

Here is the link to the page where I found these. Follow it to see more interesting designs and also further links to info about the cups, how there were designed, where to buy them etc. I'm just sticking to the pretty pictures for now.
I just naturally thought that the pantone cups would be a women's thing really - although probably merely because you're a woman and I'm a woman and you think they're cool and I think they're cool, so that's two out of two/100% of women liking them...
If we combine this data with the fact *they* think they're great for men, we discover that this is a universally perfect gift item!
hmmm, maybe your comment on boystomengifts.com was about the second cup, which did not show up until the first time I looked at the page.
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