This morning I took a lentil concoction out of the freezer, put it in a plastic bag "to be safe" and then put it in my bad to take to work for lunch where I promptly forgot about it. I also put my sketchbook in my bag as I wanted to scan in some black and white stuff I'd done before I coloured it in. I forgot about all of it until I went to get my bag ready for the gym and when I pulled out my lentil bag, I noticed it was dripping. It has somehow got through the plastic bag and emptied an unholy amount of water into my sketchbook which was behind it. I mean they're only doodles but hours of OCD have been poured into them, they are my babies.

It isn't too bad really although some colour or patterns have leaked between layers/pages and there were some near misses- phew- but now my poor battered book smells vaguely of lentil...

So as an emergency first-aid measure, I put paper towels between each page to soak up the liquid and aid recovery (drying out). It is currently sitting on top of my magazine archive and looks more like a ragged pile of paper towels than my dear darling sketchbook.
Oh, dude, I'm sorry. That totally sucks. (If there's a bright side, it's that you have a lot more stress to doodle away now... :o])
Hmpf. Every cloud...
ooooh Aynia that's AWFUL. I never freaking trusted lentils!!! Are you ok??
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