My Christmas was spent in Northern Ireland with family friends and apart from being with my family, these were the bestest, most lovely people I could have spent Christmas with. I only got to see Sean and Daisy for an evening and a morning and took none of the pictures or videos I'd intended to because when I was actually holding them or watching them, I couldn't bring myself to let them go or look away. Daisy has abbreviated 'Aynia Lasagne' to a very Italian 'a-lasagne'. I will be forever amazed at how 2 small children have completely stolen my heart. In this photo, for those interested, is Santa (aka Steve), Anita (aka Mrs. Claus) and Santa's Little Helper (aka moi).

New Year was spent in Edinburgh which was slightly less cold than I had been led to believe but I think that was only because I had brought enough layers so wasn't freezing my proverbials off all the time. That said, I was still bundled up to the nines. This pic was taken from beneath a fairground ride in front of the Scots Monument. It's kinda like a miniature (and non-enclosed) version of the London Eye but what caught me was the placement of something so garish beside this ancient gothic-styled monument.

This was the view from the top of the ride. Just amazing. I don't know that Kez saw much of it as she spent most of her time clinging on to the pole in the middle and telling me in no uncertain terms to stop moving.

Fear not! These people were not getting ready to set fire to the city but rather a march for charity.

Of course Kez and I took part. How I was meant to not walk around with a 60cm high candle?
As for New Year's Eve itself, well we were on the street for the 'street party' and witnessed amazing fireworks, tried unsuccessfully to meet up with Hayden (his bad, he blames the booze) and had a great laugh. The atmosphere was awesome and I was mostly surprised at people who apologised if they jostled past you. I'm not used to that in London, I've forgotten what normal manners are. That and hilarious Scottish accents although we seemed to meet more antipodeans that Scots...
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