Last night was the second and final installment of my lead climbing course and I am shattered. I was quite literally peeling off the wall last night. It's a good feeling as you know you're working as hard as you possibly can but at the same time, I still get frustrated with myself because I think I should be able to do more. And now that we've done this course, we need to buy a rope so that we can actually practice. Also, with a view to climbing outside, I'm looking into a helmet. A helmet is one of those items of climbing gear that I think some people don't wear when they're outside because it isn't 'cool'. But for me, just starting out, I think I'd rather be safe than sorry. Plus the company that made my harness does matching helmets and how is a girl meant to be able to pass that by? I'm practically salivating at the thought and won't even look at any others. I want the one that matches, it's that simple. It may not be the prettiest of colours but it matches my harness so, as far as I'm concerned, that's it. Graeme and I were looking at ropes in the shop last night and he was just shaking his head as I immediately discarded certain ropes because they would clash with my kit. Admittedly, my weird brown and bright green (not to mention the mustard and black shoes) are hard to match but I have to try. Of course if I'd had my way initially I'd have blue or purple shoes and harness but it was not to be...

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