Jane is away again so once again I'm looking after the house- and now there is a new lady in the house. After the sad and untimely demise of Sweep, it was decided Arthur needed a new friend. What he got was Ossy. She is a small round, compact little lady who is about half his size and absolutely terrorises him. It is hilarious. I watch their play-fighting with half a watchful motherly eye, making sure it doesn't digress in to anything serious but right now they seem happy to just beat each other up, sans claws, which is just fine.
This is Arthur.

As is this.

And this is the little madam. Amongst her other more catty traits is the desire to wake me up in the middle of the night to scratch her under the chin for a few minutes so that she can then trot off back down to the end of the bed where she usually sleeps. If I didn't have such a warped sense of humour, I would not find this amusing.

She is also very good at the cat habit of walking just in front of you so that you live in eternal fear of stepping on her or tripping over her.

And that's it folks. I'm sure I'll manage to blog something of more substance at some point...
Ossy has an interesting face. It's like her forehead is really high or her face is really low down on her head or something. I think you need to post videos of them playing ;)
That is a brilliant idea! Tonight is my last night cat-sitting, I shall try to catch them in the act. Knowing cats, this'll be the one night they don't do it... ;-)
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