You know how sometimes you have so much to do and are so stressed that your brain shuts down? Mine is there right now. I have things I really need to do.
RIGHT NOW. But instead I am blogging about my stress. Just like last night I was almost dead-on-my-feet-tired but did I go to bed? No. Of course not. Under the pretense that I was waiting for my washing to spin out, I started making brownies- what can I say? I'm a stress baker. Luckily I have my work colleagues who will inhale pretty much any baking I place before them so I get the therapy of the baking without the guilt of the eating. I can't believe it's only Tuesday and my brain already feels fried. Oh woe is me, poor little Aynia-kins etc etc. I only have to make it to the weekend. Four days. No worries.
Right, and now after that little freakout I must get back to that which I've been putting off but first- my friend Sam is in the UK at the moment with her little boy Josh who I got to see for the first time on Saturday. He's about 6 months old and at that adorable all-cheeks-and-no-chin stage. I love it! I have no shame around children and it seemed that Sam took a picture with every stupid face that I pulled.

Wow , you prob wont want to hear it, but in that top photo you look so like your mum!
What a pity your stress baking cant make it across the globe... we would be so happy to help you out with it :-)
Personally I don't see it but I'm still more than happy to look like my mommy. ;-)
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