Autumn Zebra today, I came across
this supercool link to which is a site that rarely fails to disappoint for eye candy. Because I couldn't brig myself to put these pictures in small, here are my top favs from the Christian Dior collection. Marie makes some interesting comments on them (so do check Autumn Zebra if this kind of thing interests you) but I don't necessarily agree with them all. Still very salient points though. I think I have to look at this collection more as art than fashion though but by golly it's amazing. But then I'm in to my origami so they had me at Japan.

When I saw the grey dress, I was reminded of the exact same flowers I used to make so of course I had to see if I could still remember how to do it because it's been a while. Like
ages. I had quite a few false starts and dead ends but I got there in the end.
Valentin selection is also very cool but more in an hmm-look-what-they're-doing-with-white-and-is-she-wearing-any-underwear-at-all?-If-not-she-must-be-waxed e-
everywhere kind of way...
eah, I don't know if I really made the point in my complaining, but it is more art, or wearable art, than fashion. Maybe a starting place for fashion? I've shown it to a few people who don't like the collection, but I think even they must be forced to admit that it is amazing :)
that was "yeah", not "eah". I have a new crazy split ergonomic keyboard.
how could anyone not see that this is amazing?! would I ever wear it- Probably not- but that doesn't stop it from being amazing.
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