Too busy. Too much to do. Too little time. Poor little Aynia brain about to implode. (Ever since seeing a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon where he imploded I've decided that it so
soooooooooooo much cooler than exploding.) So who knows how much wedding and baby madness I shall fit it. I've worked solidly through the morning so I now intend to reward myself with 10 minute bursts of blogging after I finish minor tasks. I think we'd better buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride.
But first before I forget:These are the coolest bags ever. When I am finally back near a sewing machine I intend to steal this idea. Sorry, I mean "appropriate". I saw these when I was at V&A and would have bought one but just couldn't let myself pay out £30 for the smallest bag which isn't even 200x300mm in size. Sooooooooooooooo beautiful though. And cool. And innovative. And trendy. Julie- do not steal this idea before I get a chance to!
The coolest thing I have seen this week. Even if it wasn't George Bush, this would still be superultramegaĆ¼bercool. You can even click on him and move him around. Dude. I could watch this for
The funniest thing I have seen this week. Click on each animation and watch it go. Courtesy of my sister which was in turn probably courtesy of one of her crazy friends. Thanks hon! Thanks crazy friend! (The email I got from J had each cat labeled as rocking out to a certain type of music which this link doens't really seem to have which is a pity. Make up your own. Most of the head-bangers are death metal kitties and the one that runs around the shop with the drugged up scared eyes is a techno one. Hee hee.)
Down to business
Here are the happy couple. I had the most fantastic time in Ireland. Whenever I'm there I never ceased to be overwhelmed by the warmth and hospitality of Pat, Olive and their family. I think part of what made the wedding so special was not only that Anita & Steve were so happy but that everyone was there was so happy for them as well.

This is Daisy, Cathy's daughter (I stayed with Cathy in Portugal and she is Anita's eldest sister) perched atop her father's shoulders. Over the course of the weekend, Daisy seemed to flip, Jeckel and Hyde styles, between being a total BernieLimpet and being Little Miss Sociality.

The reception was at the beautiful manor home with the most amazing lawns and while the wedding party had photos taken, the rest of us could have a drink at the bar or play croquet or petanque on the lawn which was a bloody awesome idea because they're nice light sports and it was mega sunny. Bernie and I teamed up against

two strapping lads, Steve and Dave, who were friends of the groom, and we got our asses kicked. Well to be honest Steve had played before and he kicked all of our asses but since Dave was on his team he got to share in the glory. Croquet is a nasty devious game really and we all had enormous fun abusing each other and being croquet divas. And then to top it all off, I ended up seated between Steve and Dave at the meal!

What a twist of Fate. And so the afternoon off piss-taking and comradery continued. It helped that both lads were quite charming and attractive and all in all, Aynia had a fantastic day. ;-) Cathy's kids almost stole the show though with Daisy being the cutest thing ever and Sean asking to be picked up so he could sing, "One, two, three, four, five, once I saw a fish alive..." etc etc after the speeches. What I want to know, is
why are little girls just so gosh-darn adorable?

So that was the Thursday. I spent Friday and most of Saturday with Cathy, Bernie and the kids. We drove up to South Ireland (only in bloody Ireland could you drive
up to go to southern-whatever. Typical.) to stay at Pat and Olive's mobile home and have a general wander around the countryside. For me, the highlight had to be driving through a town called Muff. Muff. They called a town
Muff. Bernie and I sniggered for a good long time over that one. He was educated in the UK (I think) so he got it but Cathy was like, "What's so funny about Muff?"

[Cue more sniggering from me and Bernie.] So of course I had to take a photo. During this trip I got treated to the best all time chat up lines ever- courtesy of a 3 1/2 year old. When I was seated between him and Daisy on the back seat, he would occasionally sit there looking at me and stroke my arm and come out with such corkers as, "I like touching you." "I like your muscles." And also, "Do you want to touch my muscles." I mean dude!

He just melts my heart- when he's not busy being a precocious little shit that is- he's at that age where he really enjoys testing his boundaries- but despite that, he is an absolute honey. Apparently when Cathy and he went to the airport to pick up Bernie, Sean said, "Can we wait here for Aynia?" Cathy said yes, he could, if he wanted to wait another 2 days. He looooooooooves me. ;-)
I'm going to Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry has never been to Paris and the last time I was there was 8 years ago so we're going in September! Part of me doesn't want to jinx it by writing about it but hey, here I go anyway. Accompanying us shall be Andy and JJ, two of Kerry's flatmates. I'm really excited about it and it should be a total blast because they're cool guys and the bunch of us always have fun when we're out together and the boys are quite hilarious. My aim is to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night, I've never seen that before and I think it could be something quite special.
And we're getting (well we hope to get) this special Eurostar deal which is train plus accommodation and is soooooo much easier than having to go to the airport because the train takes you right in to Paris. Oh joy!
And for now that shall have to do whilst I wind up Friday madness. Let's hope that from now on I'm better at this updating thing.
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