I wanted to put a picture too, but I didn't know what of, so I just found something cute. (googleimage search: baby (whatelese?!))
I was in the Dunedin Public Library yesterday, and I was in the magazine section (NB: NOT looking at bridal magazines), when I happened to pass a copy of 'Geographica'. So I picked it up and casually flipped to the credits section, and lo and behold! Picture Researcher: Aynia Noever.
Wow! that is just so supercool! All shiny and glossy and 'Not for Issue' and everything!
In relation to the recent furor about that Critic offensive issue*, I shall share something from the classifications ruling document (well actually I might summise, as I need permission to duplicate anything in the report. awsome!).
Legally the ruling has to give a description of the publication it is writing about, so Critic's went something like: "yaddah yaddah yaddah... student audience... yaddah yaddah ...5500 print run... yaddah ...printed on good quality paper, with a compact, professional layout..."
Nevermind about that old 'Objectionable' classification and $2000 fine if you're caught with a copy; it's "professionally layed out" people!
Makes you think about if it was on crap paper and bad layout - "printed on crappy paper with a loose crap layout"
So, you know, every cloud and all that.
* If you want a great read, click here (PDF in side bar)to read the Society for Protection of Community Standards submission about the Offensive issue to the classification office. Or here to read a news report about the whole thing, with a GREAT ending.
I also have an idea to pitch. I was wondering what comicallysans and all its numerous readers and contributors think about changing the actual term 'Technical Editor' to something a bit more 'profession specific'...say, 'Art Director', or something as equally wanky like that, but that has more currency in conversations with the un-critic-intiated, and future employers.
Not that it matters, and it's probably just my Victorian Freudian tendencies wanting to label everything...
Anyway, comments or suggestions would be well receieved.
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