I know I have things in common with my friends, hell I wouldn't be friends with them if we had nothing in common but sometimes the points of commonality surprise me. Like a fondness for lists. I'm all about the list. Over the past year or so I have been fighting it a bit- given my OCD tendencies, I figured some living-life-on-the-edge and sans-list would be good for my spontaneity and on the whole I've lived relatively list-free but now my days in the UK are numbered and I have a lot of things to do so it's all about the list now.
Having returned to 90% full list-ability, I am becoming more aware of fellow list writers around me. Take my boss for instance. If I thought I was all about the list, I have nothing on her. In full-blown times of lots-to-do, this woman has
sub-lists. And geek that I am, I don't mock, oh no, I'm in awe.
My sister, her friend, and I will be spending a week traveling around Venice and Rome later this year and I found out totally by accident that Amy-san is also (in retrospect I shouldn't be surprised) all about the list. As is my sister. It's glorious. We may just go list-tastic in Italy.
I have also spent some time this morning catching up on blogs I haven't read in ages and upon skimming
Hong Kong Ham I found a tonne of them. You could call it bullet-pointing but the spirit of the list is still there. And as Hamish wrote
Um, what do I usually do in these situations? Write a list of favourite things, of course.. Again, there should be no surprise here, I worked with the guy for a year.
I have no real idea why this commonality of pro-list-ness makes me feel comforted but it does. Maybe it's because:
1- I like having something in common with ppl.
2- If other ppl write lists, maybe my list writing isn't OCD*
3- Being organised is good
*I'm starting to think that I mention my OCD tendencies a bit too much on this blog. Some people might think I have a fo' real problem. I don't. I'm normal. Really. Plus I figure if I can fight it, then it isn't a real problem.